As E³UDRES² is a European University Alliance connecting a network of Higher Education with future-focused objectives in fields such as Research, Teaching, Innovation we conclude that words such as Innovative, Visionary, Futuristic, Human-centered and Socially Responsible are the keywords that best describe its personality.
The E³UDRES² Alliance is exemplary as an engaged and entrepreneurial European university that responds to the social, environmental, and economic challenges of the 21st century and is committed to sustainable development goals. It acts as a living laboratory for the society of the future in progressive European regions and connects research, innovation, education and service to the community.
E³UDRES² is an acronym for Engaged and Entrepreneurial European (3xE = E³) University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable (2xS = S²) Regions. Sounds more complicated than it really is - if you say E³UDRES² out loud, you would just say it as "EUDRES" (sounds like you-dress), without any numbers involved.
This is text
Poppins Semibold
The minimum font size for Poppins
Semibold is 9 pt (pica point) unless
otherwise specified.
Poppins Light
The minimum font size for Poppins Light is 8.5 pt (pica point) unless otherwise specified.
This is text
This is text
PT Serif Bold
The minimum font size for PT Serif Bold is 10 pt (pica point) unless otherwise specified.
The sources representing the brand are:
​01. Poppins Semibold (Heading 1);
02. Masqualero Bold (Heading 2);
03. PT Serifold Bold (Heading 2);
04. Poppins Light (Heading 1).
E3UDRES2 purple Primary color
E3UDRES2 turquoise
Secondary color
E3UDRES2 yellow Secondary color
E3UDRES2 pink Secondary color
"E3UDRES2 Purple" represents the main color of the brand. The colors "E3UDRES2 yellow", "E3UDRES2 turquoise" and "E3UDRES2 pink" are used in equal parts. If, for example, infographics or diagrams are designed that require a wider color palette due to their complexity, then in addition to the colors with 100 % opacity, the colors can also be used with an opacity of 70 % and 40 %.
E³UDRES² is supported by nine associated partners from all partner countries, all of which provide expertise and know-how in the context of E³UDRES², give feedback on concepts and ideas, support the dissemination and sustainability of the alliance as well as co-host events.