Advertising campaign with the 7 pieces.

In the development of ads for the advertising campaign related to the Hackathon project. We carried out an advertising campaign that has the following 7 pieces, among them:
A press ad/flyer;
An outdoor;
A mupi;
An Instagram stories ad;
Two image Instagram feed ads;
One Instagram stories video ad;

Press Announcement/Flyer
In the flyer to the left one of the main ideas of the campaign is presented, the excess of adrenaline. That being said, the excess of adrenaline is demonstrated through an altered classmate not knowing how to use that adrenaline in a way that can benefit her. The campaign then arises with the aim of demonstrating that this excess adrenaline can be used in projects that will benefit the student themselves.
The ad specifically fulfils each of the previously mentioned criteria, as we were able to demonstrate the impact of the Hackathon project in two completely opposite ways and the impact it can have on students' lives through their participation. We still managed to somehow inform the students through our campaign the idea to convey in an effective way.
In the Muppie on the right another idea for the campaign is presented but contrary to the one initially presented, the lack of adrenaline. Having said that, the lack of adrenaline is demonstrated through a classmate bored and lying in his bed and not knowing what to do to benefit himself and still be able to get out of the situation he is in. The campaign then arises with the aim of demonstrating that this problem concerning the lack of adrenaline can be used to benefit the student himself through the development of projects.
With the application of the affective strategy and with a focus on establishing an exclusively emotional relationship with students, in this case, the fact that the group understands and addresses in a clear way the reality that all students have already lived once, the lack or excess of adrenaline in face of the experience that is college.
Once the problem and the solution have been presented, there is a greater tendency to captivate and involve students interested or already involved in participating in the Hackathon project, and thus draw their attention to the services already available in the project


The Outdoor present presents once again one of the main ideas of the campaign, the excess of adrenaline but applied to an Outdoor strand. Consequently, the excess of adrenaline is demonstrated through an altered classmate and not knowing how to use this adrenaline in a way that can benefit her. The campaign then indirectly addresses how we can harness this excess of adrenaline in projects that will somehow benefit the student themselves, both on a personal and academic level.
By determining that our target would be EUDRES students between the ages of 18 and 23, of different genders and socio-economic classes seeking somehow their personal and social development through knowledge transfer with other students or involvement with other communities or countries we realized that we had to address them in a more impactful way but still be creative and inclusive, for such, the use of situations that students often relate to was a means to address the target we wanted.

Instagram Post Ad 1
As it is possible to see in this and the first post developed for the social network Instagram, Pedro's situation is presented to us. Pedro is excited about the situation he is in, so an association was made relating Pedro's enthusiasm with the fact that he is participating in the Hackathon.
The promise is to mention the short-term experience and to look for innovative solutions to solve real life problems, in this case, the lack or excess of adrenaline, in this way we can relate the benefit of participating in the project and solving a problem for the students.
This promise also involves inducing students to become more interested, since they will have a more complete idea of the benefit of participation.

Instagram Post Ad 2
As we can see in the second post made to the social network Instagram, Daniel's situation is presented to the others, because Daniel is unmotivated and bored. By making an association that relates Daniel's lack of motivation with the fact that he can apply to take part in the Hackathon, we can identify and lead the audience to get to know the benefits of a project like the one mentioned
​Bearing in mind that the communication objectives focus on the impact the Hackathon project can have on students' lives, this publication is an example of this in the sense that the viewers can identify with the feeling of the individual present in the publication and feel the need for a change, as it is called for in the message. Due to the identification between the viewer and the individual in the publication, a demand for information and interest in the project will arise.
3 Instagram stories developed for the campaign

Facing the development of the three Instagram Stories developed with the purpose of promoting the Hackathon project it is possible to notice the presentation of two opposite ideas. This is because the storie on the left presents the idea of looking for an adrenaline rush as a means of contributing to the participation in the project in question, whereas the storie on the right presents a concept more related to the fact that many students go through more boring moments, and by participating in the Hackathon they would go through an experience that would take them out of this environment that tends to be boring.
Regarding the storie presented in the middle, we can identify the presentation of the two main central ideas of the campaign, the lack or excess of adrenaline, as a way of transmitting a clearer idea to those who seek to understand about the Hackathon. It is also important to mention that there is a concern in mentioning the registration dates, the solution for both "problems" and the respect in keeping corres and sources that relate to EUDRES.
We can also say that the campaign developed respects the positioning previously identified in relation to EUDRES, because, aesthetically and level of values the group had all the attention in respecting the existing positioning in order to only be able to improve it. It is possible to see that the aesthetics of the EUDRES was taken into account, both in terms of colours, fonts and even the positioning and development of the different pieces so that the organisation can use the campaign in the simplest and most effective way.
The team managed to follow the initially stipulated values, such as human-centred, inclusive and participatory action and a problem-based approach to solutions and efficiency. For it addresses the issue of excess and lack of adrenaline and harnesses this very issue for the personal development of the students.
Instagram Video
After brainstorming, when making the video for Instagram, the team sought to demonstrate the more euphoric and adrenaline-filled side that the Hackathon programme has. The idea represents the fact that the group taking part in the programme is full of adrenaline as they have to come up with a solution in just 36 to 48 hours to a real problem for a company. In the video we can see this group desperately running and screaming because time is short. A short video that demonstrates in a more creative way what is to participate in a project like this, free and that improves several skills of the participants.
​A way to complement the campaign and give answers to its objectives would be through the development of actions such as:
- Investing in the creation and development of profiles in the social networks most used by students nowadays, a clear example of this is the Tiktok platform, which has a younger and more adventurous audience. The commitment to this network would allow both the university and the Hackathon project to be known.
- Presentation of testimonials in classes by young people who participated in the project as a means of real influence to the other students. This way, their real experience would influence and transmit more security to the students already interested.